How To Perform Well In Interviews? Worry Not, Doo Group Will Show You How

When it comes to job interviews, let’s just admit it, you will have butterflies in your stomach. And how often do you attend an interview?

There would be many questions lingering in your head like will I do well in the interview? Will my future employer like me? What if I don’t get the job?

You would want to be at your best during the interview but don’t know-how. Well, you are at the right spot when you are reading this now.

Doo Group cares about you and we want you to score that job interview with flying colours. Want to know how? Let’s find out the tips and tricks below:

Before interview: 

  1. Make sure you submitted the updated resume, and you will get a higher chance of being shortlisted for an interview if you are able to highlight your job experiences that are matching the Job Description of the role you applied for. 
  2. Prepare your portfolio and share it with the Human Resource (HR) if you have any. 
  3. Submit the application form and other documents in time before the interview. 
  4. Do some background checks/research about the company and interviewer. 
  5. Prepare answers to common interview questions. 
  6. Study the job descriptions. 
  7. Plan your attire one day before. 
  8. Double-check your interview session with the interviewer to avoid any miscommunication. 

During interview:

  1. Plan your schedule and arrive at the interview session 15-30 minutes earlier. If it is an online interview, join the session 5-10 minutes earlier, also make sure your background is proper and neat, or you may want to set a virtual background for your interview. 
  2. Answer the questions during the interview: 
  3. Be polite and honest 
  4. using STAR method. 
  5. Relate your answers to the interview questions back to your skills and accomplishment. 
  6. Elaborate more and straight to the point. 
  7. Be positive in your response and behaviour. 
  8. Avoid reading from the notes or script that you have prepared. 

 After interview:

  1. Thank the interviewers by sending a personalized email. 
  2. Follow up with the HR 1-2 weeks after the interview if you didn’t get any feedback and if you are still keen with the job. 

Are you ready to impress your future boss? With these useful tips and tricks, we at Doo Group hope that you would pass the job interviews with flying colours!

We are currently searching for potential talents to fill the positions that offer the best working environment that you can never get anywhere else. Show what you got with these interview guidelines, and we cannot wait for you to be a part of our family!

For more career details at Doo Group, do check out this website