Breaking The Bias: Celebrating Women’s Strength And Successes 

Doo Group hosted its inaugural International Women’s Day 2022 celebration at its Kuala Lumpur office on Wednesday, 9 March 2022, alongside the global theme: #breakthebias.

DOOers were clad in purple-coloured outfits, signifying justice, dignity, solidarity, and marking a call to action for accelerating gender equality.

Setting the mood in the office’s main lobby area were International Women’s Day banners, alongside theme-coloured balloons and decor.

The event went smoothly with a mini fashion show showcasing the Group’s corporate black and red designed polo tee. Each female DOOers were given a gift and a hi-tea treat to end the company’s first IWD event.

This year’s celebration focused on paying tribute to women of all ages and backgrounds, with a sharing session that highlighted motivational and inspiring messages to female DOOers featuring three (3) of Doo Group’s iron ladies.

Hellen Tan, Operations Director, shed light on how women are, in general, soft and caring individuals in nature.

While she undergoes a smooth sailing in her career, where there is no gender discrimination, she, however, advised all women out there to be equipped with knowledge, skills and be more independent.

“If you are equipped with knowledge, skills and is independent, I believe you can go further and achieve what you want in life,” she advised.

Phoebe Ng, Finance Manager, said a woman should be appreciated for all her hard work, commitment and for being an incredible person.

“We should also prepare ourselves with knowledge and treat people with respect if you want to be respected,” said Phoebe.

Meanwhile, Valerie Chen, Settlement Specialist, advised all-female DOOers and those out there to believe in yourself and lived up to your own potential despite the challenges.

“Gender inequality is everywhere, especially in the workplace. So, don’t be too harsh on yourself and trust in your future. We can fight this gender discrimination as women can do so much more than you can imagine,” she said.

On behalf of Doo Group, we would like to encourage everyone to stand in solidarity with gender equality and we hope that with such spirit we could break the biases against women.

Here’s to all the women out there, Doo Group wishes you a Happy International Women’s Day.